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Tommy Europe shares his unique approach to fitness

19 November 2010 3 Comments

BY: Chris Penrose

CANADIAN TELEVISION VIEWERS, especially those of us proud to sport the term “eighties babies,” may remember the 90-second health segment Body Break with Joanne McLeod and Hal Johnson. Back in the day, McLeod and Johnson sported neoncoloured nylon workout suits while doling out the dos and don’ts of fitness.

But with today’s get-fit-fast mentality, the gentle routines and coupled-up afros of McLeod and Johnson just don’t cut it. Instead, in an age when “reality” shows have taken over self-improvement viewing, Canada’s new faces of fitness are military style trainer Tommy Europe and his no-holds-barred nutritionist Nadeen Boman.

As the hosts of The Last Ten Pounds, Europe and Boman make a weekly routine out of storming into the homes of show participants and turning their backward health habits right-side up. While Europe gets out his blow horn, measuring tape and scale, Boman scours the fridge and cupboards for evidence of bad eating habits.

What follows for each contestant is a four-week training program that pushes participants to their emotional and physical limits in search of holistic lifestyle changes and a goal of total body fitness.

“I think that’s one of the main things that people don’t consider when trying to lose weight or do a major change in their fitness level or lifestyle,” says Europe. “Attitude is one of the main components, and it’s one of those things that you can take for granted. Everybody wants to do this or wants to do that, but are they willing to actually put in the work and do what it takes to reach the level that they want to achieve? So mindset and attitude is definitely one of the first things that needs to change.”

Europe developed his demanding training style as a professional football player in the CFL. His regime begins with the “drill test,” a series of tasks that allows him to assess an individual’s physical fitness level. After gauging goals and abilities, the demanding drill sergeant supplements the tailored workout schedule with surprise visits (like a random 6:30 a.m. jog and cardio training in the park) and a final physical challenge (that has included a 56-storey stair climb and 5km wilderness run). Oh, and you can’t forget that the final physical challenge is completed with a backpack full of bad habits from your previous lifestyle (such as lard, pop and sacks of sugar).

To create motivation, Europe also takes participants through the process of connecting their weight loss to an upcoming goal (such as a big event, an anniversary or a wedding) and giving them a hot new outfit — at least two sizes too small — to fit into at the end of four weeks.

Tips to shed your last 10 pounds

  1. Get started. That is the main thing, and it’s what stops most people from achieving their goals.
  2. Get interested in nutrition. It’s about what you put in your mouth, and when you put it in your mouth. Find a healthy balance in your diet.
  3. Empower yourself with knowledge. If you don’t really know your way around the gym, get yourself a trainer. If you are knowledgeable in the gym, but you’ve been doing the same thing over and over again, switch your program up. Go learn some new moves. Talk to others.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. There are negative people all around, but you can’t worry about them or let them drag you down.
  5. Realize that the sky is the limit! You’re going to be more fit and healthier. You’ve got one life to live in this world, so you might as well live it to the fullest.
Watch Tommy’s shred pack super set:

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  • DB said:

    Just an FYI, Nadeen Boman is no longer assoicated with the show and has not been for the last year and a half. In season 6, it will be all Tommy…Get ready for it!

  • DB said:

    Associated, lol.

  • Amy said:

    No way! I love Nadene! The part when she’s in the kitchen throwing food in a bin and then she slaps on that fat person sticker. And even though the nutrition plans are pretty similar every episode, and have less than 1800 calories a day, which is totally unsustainable, I do get a few good food ideas from that part.

    The Last ten pounds website http://www.theeyes.ca/last10pounds/index1.html has information for anyone who wants to be on the show. I wish I lived in Vancouver and could work with Tomy and Nadeen!

    When is the new season starting? I’ve already watched all the episodes online at Slice.ca and now I need more!!!

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