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Simply Natural Ideas: The Reset Button

16 June 2011 2 Comments


Rochelle Hanson/ARDEAN PETERS

By Rochelle Hanson

The Reset Button. Press it Now.

Take control of your health.

Last week in this column we talked about breaking bad habits.

How’s that going for you? Achieving success with the 5 simple steps we discussed?

I hope so, but if you’re still having challenges, that’s OK. Remember it takes 30 days to break a bad habit so don’t give up.

If by chance you’ve already fallen off the band wagon, here is some practical advice. Get back up again. That’s really all there is to it. Make the choice to get back up again. When you set goals for yourself and you don’t achieve them, take some time to figure out why, make the adjustments you need to make, and start again.

Say, for example, you happen to be invited to a birthday party.  You go to the party with good intentions of enjoying your friends and family while soaking up the sun. Because of the article you read last week, you made up in your mind that you were NOT going to eat any junk food at this party. In fact, you even brought an apple in your bag as a healthy option to munch on instead of eating chips. You were totally prepared. When you got to the party, you ate your apple, but the chips were still in front of your face. The main course was taking a long time to come out and you were getting really hungry so you caved. All your good intentions somehow went out the window at that point and you started eating pretty much everything in sight. Then you went home and felt guilty.

Now tell me something, if you find yourself in a situation like the one above, is it the really the end of the world? Are you now a complete failure because you ate some chips and a piece of your cousin’s birthday cake? Let’s be real. Sometimes we fall short of our own expectations.

Feeling guilty and beating yourself up about what happened in the past is not going to help you more forward. Accept this truth: Giving up is not an option. When it comes to your health and well being, no one is going to take better care of yourself than you. So if you fall short of your goals, don’t continue down the same path. Understand the principals behind what it takes to get yourself back up again.

For example, after you eat junk food, and a number of other foods like milk, meat and bread, the environment inside your body will become more acidic by default. This is part of the reason why you may feel tired and grumpy or lazy and sick. Not to mention that an over acid body is the perfect stomping grounds for disease. I’m not here to tell you what to eat, but if you are going to make the choice to eat foods that will encourage your body to become more acidic, then you also need to make the choice to press the reset button when you do so. Correct the environment inside your body and take steps to make it more alkaline by adding more leafy greens into your diet like a healthy salad or a green smoothie.

The most practical quick fix to help you become more alkaline is probably the ever popular water with lemon juice, but have you ever tried drinking Aloe Vera? Most people turn up their nose at the thought of the bitterness, and a lot of people have never even given it a chance. From my own personal experience, I can tell you that Aloe Vera has the power to instantly correct any problems you are having with digestion or heartburn. It can also helps with menstrual cramps and it has a tremendous amount of other natural health benefits.

As for the taste… Don’t even worry about it. There are some simple ways to get rid of the bitterness. If you try one of my recipes you won’t even know you’re drinking it. We’ve been talking about aloe in my group, Rochelle Hanson Wellness, on Facebook. There is also more information on my blog at simplynaturalideas.com. You can find free recipes there, so don’t be shy. If you need some motivation or you’d like some practical tips on how to improve your health overall, feel free to look me up. But remember, you are the only one who can press the reset button on your life. Take action. Make the choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle today.


Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, sharing practical tips on natural health and wellness. To connect with her on Facebook, join her group Rochelle Hanson Wellness. You can also get free practical tips on her blog at SimplyNaturalIdeas.com

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  • Ardean said:

    Wow – I SO need to hit the ‘Re-set’ button. You don’t know how apt this article is for me!! lol. It’s so true, once you fall off, you feel like it’s all over and then you just decide, why not, just jump into all the old bad habits! But you really don’t have to. You can decide to give yourself a break and re-set. I’m going to do that for myself!

  • Rochelle said:

    I’m Soo happy to hear that Ardean! All of us need to reset from time to time. Thankfully every single day is new :)

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