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Work it Out: Invest in yourself

16 December 2011 No Comments

By Chellie Mejia, B.Sc.

Every year, I spend what some would consider an obscene amount of money on things like yoga, personal trainers, personal grooming (hair, nails, makeup) and vacations.  I know, I know.  At first glance, this seems pretty frivolous, doesn’t it?  I mean, one of the biggest aspects of my platform for life and for business is saving and investing your money in your future.  It’s practical advice and don’t get me wrong, I don’t forego the essentials to finance an unreasonable lifestyle.  But what’s seen sometimes as “unjustifiable spending” I’d like to take the time to justify.

You see, I am of the opinion that you should never save your money with no real purpose, and you should never blow your money on garbage.  We work hard!  And our hard earned dollars should be spent on things that are practical and useful, yes.  But more than anything, we should be able to reap the fruits of our labour with experiences that are meaningful to our entire wellbeing – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  It’s not just a reward – it’s a necessity.

The way you feel about yourself and the way you present yourself to others will have a direct and inevitable impact on the way you are perceived, and that goes for everywhere from the dinner table at a first date to the boardroom at a big negotiation meeting.  It matters, and don’t let anyone convince you that it doesn’t.  So is the color tie you choose to wear with that suit more important than your learned competencies within your industry?  No.  But it might just be the thing that gets you through the door.  So pay attention, and discover these unconventional (but still practical!) ways to invest in yourself.

Hire a personal trainer. Your health is everything, and without it, the vitality you bring into a meeting, the energy you bring into a project, the excitement you convey to a potential client or customer, is all compromised.  Committing yourself to a regular exercise schedule is one of the best ways to keep your body and your mind sharp for anything that might come along, and spending money on a professional trainer can help you to develop a plan that’s safe for you and put you on the right course creating results that are priceless!

Upgrade. There’s nothing wrong with spending a little extra to upgrade tools and items that you use regularly or that will enhance or improve your daily activities.  If you find yourself in your office constantly trying to merge calls and three-way with colleagues or clients, splurge on a multiline phone system or an offsite call networking package.  It will positively affect your efficiency and increase the professionalism of your operation.  If you visit clients on a regular basis, why not purchase a tablet that you can take with you to client meetings and showcase presentations in a flawless and impressive format.  It will boost your confidence, your clients will be wowed, and as a bonus, it’s even better for the environment.

Buy healthier food. Replace the fast food with some home packed lunches, the chips and chocolate bars with parfaits and granola, and trust me, trust me, trust me when I tell you there is something to the whole organic food craze.  You will FEEL the difference after trying it for just a week.  All the workouts and meditations in the world aren’t going to help if you’re pumping your body constantly with junk food.  It’s more expensive, but what price can you really put on your own happy and healthy longevity?

Buy shoes. And shirts and slacks and accessories.  Don’t waste money on the latest most expensive fashion trend (expensive doesn’t always mean attractive!), but while image isn’t everything, dressing to impress can often be a practical way to look smarter and more emotionally mature for job interviews, client meetings and social rendezvous.

Take a vacay. Revitalize your mind and spirit by physically pulling yourself away from the daily stresses of everyday life.  For creative workers, it could be just the spark you need to stimulate your brain with new material.  For executives often bombarded with policy and regulations, it might just be one of the few moments you have to let your hair down and not worry about external influences and perceptions.

I know this doesn’t fall into the same categories as saving for your children’s college funds, putting money away into your retirement savings plan, and making sure there’s money set aside for unforeseen emergencies.  But does taking care and investing in your whole wellbeing in the present and in the future sound like something worth spending your money on?  Because it really should.

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Chellie Mejia is a freelance writer, real estate developer and lifestyle coach. Follow Chellie on Twitter @chelliemejia. Visit her new website www.chelliemejia.com.

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