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Diabetes coaching helps to combat epidemic

17 September 2010 402 views 2 Comments

BY: Josh Kail

Diabetes has become an alarming epidemic. More than two million Canadians have diabetes, and that number is expected to reach three million by 2010. With the average patient-to-doctor face time lasting a mere seven minutes, much more must be done to reverse this growing trend.

Enter Fit4D, a newly expanded website and enhanced suite of personalized services that uniquely address the specific needs of those living with diabetes and pre-diabetes. It offers one-to-one personalized coaching services, engaging educational content and supportive online communities. Fit4D virtually connects its coaching team of dietitians, exercise physiologists, nurses and pharmacists — all certified diabetes educators (CDEs) — with diabetes patients all over the continent, empowering them through education and individualized motivation to live the healthiest and happiest lives possible.

“The benefits of working with Fit4D coaches for a person living with diabetes are to have their questions answered,” says Fit4D Fitness Coach Josh Gold. “People don’t typically have access to CDEs that readily. The Fit4D Quick Consult, one hour on the phone with a Fit4D coach, gives them confidence, answers questions and can put them at ease while educating on the reality and tapering fears.”

Picking up where the doctor leaves off, Fit4D is an online personalized diabetes coaching service dedicated to providing the highest levels of educational and emotional support for those living with type 1, 2 or pre-diabetes.

Fit4D not only helps to save and enhance the quality of life for those with diabetes and/or those who are at high risk for the disease, it also contributes by decreasing the costs of diabetes-related healthcare and filling in the gaps that now exist for ongoing patient care.

- For more information on diabetes coaching, go to fit4D.com.

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