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At home with Eddie and Joaney Bullen

21 June 2010 447 views No Comment

Eddie and Joaney Bullen at home

At home with The Bullens: Built for the rhythm of family life

BY: Geena Lee

Facing a small forest bordered by the Rouge River, the Bullen residence is 5,000 square feet of comfort that provides the perfect ambience for musician Eddie Bullen’s artistic family. Having settled in 10 years ago, their move was prompted by dissatisfaction with the style of their previous non-descript home; typical of suburban areas, “all the homes were the same colour and had the same style. I felt there’s more to life than that, especially when it’s a place where you spend a lot of time,” says Bullen.

The idea of purchasing a new home was inspired by Bullen’s wife, Joaney. Her constant redecorating and home improvements “got to the point where she wanted to put in bay windows.” Thinking to discourage her, Bullen proposed that considering the high cost of replacing the windows, they might as well get a new house. “I thought that would cool the situation off a bit, but she went with it and started looking for homes.” The search was on, and in the eastern outskirts of the GTA, Joaney found a house that Eddie fell in love with. “It was just a shell at the time, it wasn’t finished, which made me fall in love with it even more, because I got to choose the colours.”The Bullen's living room

The Bullens had a major hand in designing their home, choosing everything from the colour and model to the windows and bathroom fixtures. This time around, they wanted a house that was distinct. “[We grew] up in the Caribbean where every home is different and has a certain vibe to it. We wanted to recreate that tropical feeling.” With earthy textured tiles, houseplants and massive ceilings, ranging from nine to 18 feet, Eddie was able to recapture a setting reminiscent of his childhood home in Grenada.

Being from warmer climes, he had no interest in having a large backyard, as it wouldn’t be used much due to Canada’s notoriously long winters. “It made no sense because you only really have about four months of the year where you can enjoy it, and then you’re back inside for another eight months.” Opting for less space outdoors allowed for more room indoors where the Bullens spend most of their time. With two guest bedrooms, and a living and dining room used for frequent gatherings and movie nights, the Bullen abode possesses an environment that is family focused.

The Bullens took a major part in designing their home

Since he’s a talented songwriter, producer and pianist, it’s no surprise that Bullen’s sons are also gifted. Tré Michael (13) is an actor; his eldest, Quincy (17), is an accomplished pianist and actor. (The couple also have two other children, Disa and Ian.) Father and son often practice together in the piano room. “I’ve taught Quincy over the years how to play, so we sit and trade notes.” Even the basement is a studio, furnished with drums and amplifiers, providing the perfect creative space for band rehearsals. “Music is so rewarding. I play it for recreation.” With a house tailored to his taste, Bullen is content with his surroundings and appreciates one element in particular: “You can have a beautiful place, but it’s your family that makes it a home.”

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