Articles tagged with: education
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Students attending colleges and universities would receive at least $4,000 in financial help from Ottawa under “Learning Passport” grants that Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says would reduce barriers to higher education for all Canadians.
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The Black Law Students Association of Canada convention is marking its 20th year with a convention here in Toronto. According to their manifesto, BLSAC recognizes the essential role that we will play as lawyers in furthering the aspirations of our community and Canadian society as a whole. Says Keri Wallace, a third year law student at the University of Western Ontario, and the current President of the Canadian Black Law Students Association, “There are still systemic barriers to access to both a legal education and career. Our goal is to help and support current and prospective black law students.”
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With various research, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is addressing the issue by creating distinctive environments so that every one of the 250,000 children under its umbrella has the opportunity to succeed. The single-sex schools, called the Girls’ Leadership Academy and the Boys’ Leadership Academy, are two of the TSDB’s “programs of choice”, announced in 2009 by newly appointed director of education Chris Spence.
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Canadian television broadcaster and community advocate Gwyneth Matthew Chapman has partnered with Dr. Carl Mack, executive director of the National Society of Black Engineers; the government of St. Lucia, Goldman Sachs, and the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to establish a scholarship program that will allow 29 students from St. Lucia to attend post-secondary studies in the United States this year. Sway spoke to Chapman while she was in St. Lucia.