Articles tagged with: education
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Nowadays, having a degree is almost comparable to finishing high school and with the severe financial crisis and enormous changes in the workforce, grads have to find alternative ways of making themselves more marketable. All of a sudden that valuable investment starts to diminish in value. The result? An unnerving feeling of disempowerment, disenchantment, and disappointment.
Articles, Education, Opinion »

All signs point to the arrival of autumn: the CNE, the leaves changing their hues and the ubiquitous back-to-school buzz. It is that last clue that excites me the most about fall. Many people I know speak of spring as being the moment of rebirth. However, as someone who has been surrounded by post-secondary students professionally for the past decade, it is the advent of the new academic year that endows the season with this exciting vibe.
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By the time your little one is ready for preschool, you’ve fearlessly conquered many new territories: sleeping through the night, moving from crib-to-bed, potty-training—but visions of crayons, glue, and scissors send many parents into frenzy. Here are four tips to help you get ready for the big day.
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First of all, you want to assess whether or not the career college has a faculty. I am not referring to mere employees who teach — I am talking about a real faculty. A real faculty is a body of educators that are dedicated and engaged in some form of research in their field. Education is an evolving concept.