A healing touch
Image consultant and certified Reiki master Mahalia Crichlow speaks about the benefits of alternative treatments
BY: Leroy Graham
Q: Many people are unfamiliar with alternative health options. What is Reiki and how can it help to improve individual health?
A: Reiki is a form of energetic healing that originated in Japan in the 1920s. It is very popular in the East. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses a hands-on technique to alleviate pain and stress in the body while increasing energy levels.
What are some ailments that Reiki can alleviate?
Most of my clientele is made up of women who are dealing with emotional issues such as nervousness, anxiety, depression, low energy, etc. The treatment begins with a brief initial consultation regarding the patient's issues. It tries to answer questions such as how long the issues have existed, any triggers associated with the problem, and physical symptoms. After the consultation, I do a full body treatment that starts with a quick scan, focusing on the energy centres of the body, such as the heart or stomach, in the case of nervousness.
Can you describe the actual treatment involved during a Reiki session?
There are 12 hand positions for a Reiki treatment. We usually start with the head, especially with a whole body treatment, because any sort of emotional issue will cause the whole body to be off kilter. Then I place my hands on the face, crown of the head, ears, shoulders, throat and heart. As I place my hands on the body, people have described feeling a sensation of vibration, heat or the tension of the body moving down from the head to the feet.
As the practitioner, do you feel anything during the treatment?
When I first started the practice, I would sometimes feel what the patient was feeling. For instance, if the patient described a symptom where they had difficulty expressing themselves to others, during the session I would feel my throat tightening up. I've now learned to temper that. I will feel heat and vibration. Sometimes I will feel pain if a patient is really wound up and not dealing with things, but the pain leaves as soon as I release my hands.
What type of changes do people experience after a Reiki session?
I would say that people start noticing a difference in their general attitude toward life and just the way they look at things. Somebody who comes in overwhelmed and with an almost victim mentality will start to use more life affirming language and there is a total change in constitution. Almost everyone who takes the treatment reports an increase in energy levels.
- Those interested in A Reiki treatment can contact Mahalia Crichlow at 647-242-5287