By Rochelle Hanson
Hot! Hot! Hot! When it comes to summer heat, don’t be scared. Be smart. Incorporate these practical tips into your life and beat the summer heat.
Eat cooling foods. You’ll be cool as a cucumber if you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables this summer. Take a trip to the farmers market and stock upon all your favourites. Who wants to be slaving over a hot stove in the summer? Salads and smoothies are delicious, nutritious, and easy to prepare. Save time and money while you stay cool by eating more fresh fruits and veggies. Want some simple raw recipes ideas? Get them from my blog, Simply Natural Ideas.
Cut the caffeine. Cut back or eliminate sugary and caffeinated drinks. Those will actually dehydrate the body. Water is what we really need. There is no replacement for a tall glass of water on a hot summer day. Water is your friend, so drink more of it. Beat the heat from the inside out.
Dress for success. Don’t be afraid to walk around the house in your swimsuit if you don’t have AC. It will keep you cooler and you’ll become more comfortable with your own body. Freeze a bottle of water and place it front of your fan. This will keep the air around the fan cool and it will circulate cooler air instead of the heat. When you go outside, wear natural fabrics that breathe, like cotton. I’m sure you have experience with this; man made fabrics will turn you into a walking oven. Roast for dinner anyone?
Slip and slide. If there were ever a time to be childlike and free, the summer is it! Haul out the hose, make use of the sprinkler, or take a trip to the community rec center and go for a swim. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself! It’s summer and there is no reason to stay inside. If you don’t have any kids and you’re worried about the neighbours raising their eyebrows as you frolic and play in the water, try taking a cold shower. I know it sounds crazy but it’s actually good for you. Taking a 2 minute cold shower will not only keep you cool, but it will strengthen your immune system, improve your circulation, and help to flush out toxins if you do it on a regular basis.
Protect yourself. When you plan to spend extended periods outside in the summer sun, it’s important to protect your skin. Slap on some coconut oil for sunscreen. It’s natural and it works. Remember that we only have summer for a few months out the year. Take advantage of the sunshine, just be smart about it. For more info on coconut oil and the dangers of commercial sunscreen, search for articles at
Rochelle Hanson is a Freelance Writer and Natural Health Enthusiast, offering practical tips on natural health and wellness. For recipes, motivation, and ideas on natural health, connect with Rochelle on Facebook, and subscribe to her blog, Simply Natural Ideas.
By Rochelle Hanson
Balance. Seems like we’re always trying to find it, aren’t we? Life is an unpredictable animal, and sometimes it’s difficult to tame. All too often there are situations that come up in our lives over which we have absolutely no control. The fridge breaks down, the AC gives out, someone you love winds up in the hospital. When the stresses of life start to show their ugly heads, the healthy lifestyle changes you’ve been working so hard to achieve are often the first to go out the window. Don’t let stress push you over the edge, my friends. Being healthy is not about being perfect. Seek balance.
My grandmother is in the hospital right now. It’s not an easy thing to deal with. Although she’s been sick for years, she’s one of those people who always appear to be well and carry on with life regardless of what’s happening inside their body. I’m sure you know people like that; you may even be like that yourself. The sad thing is, the body can only take so much of that, and the older we get, the less able the body is to defend itself against the years of damage we’ve done to it.
This is why it is imperative to start your healthy lifestyle journey now. And if you’ve already started, don’t stop, keep on going! People use every single excuse they can think of as a reason to comfort themselves and throw away their goals. If it isn’t time, it’s money; if it isn’t money, it’s your social life. If it isn’t your social life, it’s because you just didn’t feel like it. There will always be one excuse or another for not achieving your healthy lifestyle goals. But tell me, what will be your excuse when you wind up at the end of your life and you are so sick that you can’t even take care of yourself? What will you say to yourself then?
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) and lung disease are the leading causes of preventable death and disability in this country. You can dramatically reduce the risk of these chronic diseases by changing the way you live. Take a look at their website for more information.
Friends, the reason I am dedicated to writing to you in this column every week is because I see that this world is becoming totally out of balance when it comes to health and wellness. More and more people are getting fatter and sicker. Very few people even care to find out why. I am here to let you know that you do have an alternative. You do have a choice, and you are still in control.
If you know that you need help with your diet and exercise, or lack thereof, why don’t you start by adding some green foods into your life? If you need recipe ideas, you can get them on my blog. I just wrote a new post called, All Things Green. Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions related to what you see there.
I know how stressful life can be at times. Just remember that you don’t have to give up. You can choose to be healthy if you want to. In fact, keeping up with your healthy lifestyle could actually help to reduce your overall stress load. When you eat better and you exercise, you will feel better, and you will be more able to handle the other areas of your life that demand attention. The next time stress tries to take control of your life, turn things around and take control of your stress. Have a green smoothie instead.
Rochelle Hanson is a Freelance Writer and Natural Health Enthusiast, offering practical tips on natural health and wellness. For recipes, motivation, and ideas on natural health, connect with Rochelle on Facebook, and subscribe to her blog, Simply Natural Ideas.
By Rochelle Hanson
Trying to make healthy lifestyle changes? Good. So am I. Although you may have good intentions, there are two obstacles that can easily get in the way. The first is time. The second is money. If you’re anything like me, you could probably use a little more of both. The only way to break bad habits and start seeing some real progress in your journey is to stop making excuses for yourself. Valid or not, these excuses are getting in the way of your success. If you need more time and money, don’t let this stop you from pursuing health. Follow the practical tips below.
How to save time and money on your journey to health and wellness.
1. Don’t believe the hype.
Health and wellness is a very popular trend. Every day there are new packaged shakes, smoothies, and and so called super foods introduced to the market. Be an educated consumer. Don’t just buy something because the person selling it says it is good. Only take advice from people that you trust. If someone is constantly trying to sell you something, they may or they may not be telling you the truth. Be logical and balanced in your approach to health. Before you spend money trying out a new diet that promises extreme weight loss, ask yourself, is this something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life? If the answer is no, then it’s probably a good idea to save the cash and move on.
2. Eat real food.
A novel idea, isn’t it? Surprisingly a lot of people have forgotten what real food actually is. Summer is here! This is the perfect time to get reacquainted with fresh fruits and veggies. Go to your local farmer’s market. Save some money on produce. Go strawberry picking with your family. Being healthy can be a lot of fun! Forget about the food that comes out of a box, a bag, or a can. Most of us buy these foods out of habit, or because we think these foods will save us time and money. If that were the case, ask yourself, why do I still not have enough time to prepare meals? And why do i still find myself having to eat out for lunch? Perhaps the issue on saving time has little to do with the food we choose to buy, as that is still sitting in the cupboard. Perhaps the issue has more to do with the way we choose to organize our lives.
3. Be prepared
Most people who want to be healthy will choose a healthy option if it is readily available. Why not make things easy on yourself? Choose one day a week to prepare staple foods that you can use all week long. On any given Sunday, you’ll find me in the kitchen making dips, spreads, chopping veggie sticks, and making coconut squares so that I don’t have to worry about snacks during the week. If you need some simple recipe ideas, feel free to join my group on Facebook, Rochelle Hanson Wellness. When you bring your food home from the grocery store set aside the time to pre wash it before you put it away. Making a salad or smoothie is simple if you take the time to prepare beforehand. When it comes to making lunch, be disciplined. Make it at night. When the morning comes, you’ll be so glad you did.
It’s time to face the facts. You can lead a healthy lifestyle if you choose to lead a healthy lifestyle. Don’t use the lack of time as an excuse. Shift your priorities. Everyone has the same 24hrs in a day. What you do with that time is entirely up to you. When it comes to money, remember that Summer is the best time to save on healthy foods. There is an abundance of it right now. Take advantage of that. You may even want to buy more than you need and freeze some of it for the winter. Be prepared, eat real food, and don’t believe the hype. Here’s to your health and wellness.
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, offering practical tips on natural health and wellness. To connect with Rochelle, join her on Facebook, or spend time on her blog at
By Rochelle Hanson
The Reset Button. Press it Now.
Take control of your health.
Last week in this column we talked about breaking bad habits.
How’s that going for you? Achieving success with the 5 simple steps we discussed?
I hope so, but if you’re still having challenges, that’s OK. Remember it takes 30 days to break a bad habit so don’t give up.
If by chance you’ve already fallen off the band wagon, here is some practical advice. Get back up again. That’s really all there is to it. Make the choice to get back up again. When you set goals for yourself and you don’t achieve them, take some time to figure out why, make the adjustments you need to make, and start again.
Say, for example, you happen to be invited to a birthday party. You go to the party with good intentions of enjoying your friends and family while soaking up the sun. Because of the article you read last week, you made up in your mind that you were NOT going to eat any junk food at this party. In fact, you even brought an apple in your bag as a healthy option to munch on instead of eating chips. You were totally prepared. When you got to the party, you ate your apple, but the chips were still in front of your face. The main course was taking a long time to come out and you were getting really hungry so you caved. All your good intentions somehow went out the window at that point and you started eating pretty much everything in sight. Then you went home and felt guilty.
Now tell me something, if you find yourself in a situation like the one above, is it the really the end of the world? Are you now a complete failure because you ate some chips and a piece of your cousin’s birthday cake? Let’s be real. Sometimes we fall short of our own expectations.
Feeling guilty and beating yourself up about what happened in the past is not going to help you more forward. Accept this truth: Giving up is not an option. When it comes to your health and well being, no one is going to take better care of yourself than you. So if you fall short of your goals, don’t continue down the same path. Understand the principals behind what it takes to get yourself back up again.
For example, after you eat junk food, and a number of other foods like milk, meat and bread, the environment inside your body will become more acidic by default. This is part of the reason why you may feel tired and grumpy or lazy and sick. Not to mention that an over acid body is the perfect stomping grounds for disease. I’m not here to tell you what to eat, but if you are going to make the choice to eat foods that will encourage your body to become more acidic, then you also need to make the choice to press the reset button when you do so. Correct the environment inside your body and take steps to make it more alkaline by adding more leafy greens into your diet like a healthy salad or a green smoothie.
The most practical quick fix to help you become more alkaline is probably the ever popular water with lemon juice, but have you ever tried drinking Aloe Vera? Most people turn up their nose at the thought of the bitterness, and a lot of people have never even given it a chance. From my own personal experience, I can tell you that Aloe Vera has the power to instantly correct any problems you are having with digestion or heartburn. It can also helps with menstrual cramps and it has a tremendous amount of other natural health benefits.
As for the taste… Don’t even worry about it. There are some simple ways to get rid of the bitterness. If you try one of my recipes you won’t even know you’re drinking it. We’ve been talking about aloe in my group, Rochelle Hanson Wellness, on Facebook. There is also more information on my blog at You can find free recipes there, so don’t be shy. If you need some motivation or you’d like some practical tips on how to improve your health overall, feel free to look me up. But remember, you are the only one who can press the reset button on your life. Take action. Make the choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle today.
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, sharing practical tips on natural health and wellness. To connect with her on Facebook, join her group Rochelle Hanson Wellness. You can also get free practical tips on her blog at
Rochelle Hanson
5 Simple Steps on How to Break a Bad Habit
By Rochelle Hanson
If you were told to stop eating after 7 PM, could you do it? Is it difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning? Do you stay up late at night watching TV or chatting on Facebook? If you tried to stop, would you be successful?
Stop here and take a look at your life. We all have behaviour patterns that we would like to change. In last week’s column, I mentioned that it takes 30 days to form a new habit. After reading, you may have decided that there is something about you or your life that you would like to change. Today I’m going to give you 5 simple steps to help you make that change. Let’s kick those bad habits to the curb.
Before we go any further, let’s define the subject of this article. Habit: An acquired behaviour pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. hit the nail on the head with that one. Take note : A habit is a behaviour pattern that you have acquired and regularly follow until it has become almost involuntary. Almost is the key word here. When making a change, remember that you are still in control. Like the song says, almost doesn’t count.
If you want to break a bad habit, follow the 5 simple steps below.
Please keep in mind, although the line is fine, there is a difference between breaking a bad habit and breaking an addiction. defines addiction as the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
Aside from the obvious substance abuse, there are regular foods that many of us eat every day which cause our bodies to release chemicals called opioids. These chemicals influence your brain and cause you to become dependent or addicted. Perhaps we’ll discuss some of these everyday foods in a future article.
Today, I want you to focus on one habit. Just one. Name it. Change it. Stick to it. Follow the 5 simple steps listed in this article. Remember that you are in control. Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. Don’t let your habit change you. Make the choice to change your habit.
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and a natural health enthusiast. To connect with her on Facebook, join Rochelle Hanson Wellness or send email to [email protected]
To be or not to be. Obesity is the question.
Ever thought about how much time you spend everyday just sitting? Me neither. Sitting just feels natural… so we do it without thinking. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends at least one hour of exercise a day. Unfortunately sedentary lifestyles have become the norm, and overeating comes right along with it.
The latest Statistics Canada study suggests that one in four Canadian adults is clinically obese, compared with one in three in the United States. So we have less fat people in Canada, but that statistic alone does not mean we are headed in the right direction. In 1978 obesity rates for children aged 14 and younger were at 13%. In 2006 the rate of childhood obesity doubled to 26%. Could it be that our sedentary lifestyles are rubbing off on our kids?
Obesity is the number one contributing factor to disease. If we rely on the school system or the government to ensure that our children are eating right and getting enough exercise, we are leaving our child’s health in someone else’s hands. No one cares about your children more than you. The issue of diet and exercise needs to be a priority at home.
Your kids should see you exercising. It’s summer. No more excuses. Go outside. Take the kids for a walk. Make it a family affair. Interestingly enough, most people don’t eat and walk at the same time. I wonder what would happen to your overall health if every time you felt like having a snack, you drank a glass of water instead, then walked up and down the stairs in your apartment building or took a 3 minute break from staring at the screen to zip around the block.
If you’re having trouble with motivation, think of it like this. It takes 30 days to form a new habit. If you start a new healthy habit today, by next month you’ll be doing it with your eyes closed. The choice is yours. Choose something simple. Instead of taking the elevator at work, commit to taking the stairs. When you get home from work you could park your car in the driveway, and before going inside, commit to going for a short walk, even if it’s just a few minutes.
You don’t have to become another statistic. Stay on the outside aisles of the grocery store and you’ll be just fine. The next time that bag of chips starts calling your name, grab a pair of ear plugs. You’re much stronger than you think.
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, offering tips and practical ideas on natural health and wellness. Join her group on Facebook Rochelle HansonWellness or send email to [email protected]
Rochelle Hanson
By Rochelle Hanson
Coffee. Tea. Juice. Pop.
It’s de-caff. It’s diet. It’s sugar free.
With so many beverage options on the market, it’s easy to forget about water. If the first thing you drank this morning was coffee, you’re probably dehydrated and you don’t even know it.
So, what is dehydration anyway? Is it really that big of a deal?
Dehydration is the loss of water and salts necessary for normal body function. Most people are aware that the body is about 60% water. Your body will not function properly when you are dehydrated.
Take your liver, for instance. Its main responsibility is to turn stored fat into energy. Without water, it simply can not do its job. Your liver also serves as back-up for your kidneys. The primary role of the kidneys is to filter toxins from the blood. Your kidneys also can not function without water. So if you’re dehydrated and your kidneys have to call on your liver for support, naturally your liver will be less productive because it’s doing extra work. So if you don’t give your body enough water, you’re setting yourself up to store fat.
But what happens if you don’t feel thirsty? Do you still need to drink water? There’s water in coffee, and tea is mostly water. Isn’t that good enough?
Simply stated, the answer is no. Nothing can take the place of pure, clean water. Caffeine is a natural diuretic. Which means it’s like a drug that reduces the amount of water in the body. Let’s not even bring up the fact that it’s an addictive stimulant which has a whole slew of other negative effects. You can read more articles about this at
Don’t like the taste of water? Try squeezing a lemon into it. Not only will it taste better, it will help to alkalize the body. Not sure if you’re getting enough water? Look at your pee. If it’s bright orange you’re in a bad state. It’s supposed to be pale yellow. Don’t rely on your thirst as an indicator.
As soon as you get out of bed, drink two glasses of water. We all get dehydrated overnight. Drink water before you eat, even if it’s just 5-10 mins before. Don’t drink while you eat, that will dilute your digestive enzymes. You can drink water after eating, just wait a while before you start. When you need a snack, drink water. The craving will probably pass. If it’s hot outside, drink water. You’re loosing water through your skin. If you have acne, drink water. It’s the best beauty treatment on the market. Got a headache? Drink water. Constipated? Drink water. Stuck in traffic? Always keep a bottle handy, and drink more water. And if you find that you need to use the bathroom far too often, don’t let that discourage you. You’re detoxing. This is good. Your body will soon adjust.
Please note: you may need to drink more than the typical 8 glasses of water a day, especially if you’re overweight. The larger you are, the bigger your metabolic load. We’ve already discussed that your body will not turn stored fat into energy if you are not getting enough water. Some doctors say you may actually need to drink an extra glass of water for every 25 lbs of extra fat.
Hmm. This could be why I can’t get rid of those last few stubborn pounds. Excuse me for a moment, I need to go drink some water. Join me?
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, offering tips and practical ideas on natural health and wellness. Check out her website at
Photo by Ardean Peters
Stress stinks. Try Aromatherapy.
By Rochelle Hanson
It’s summer. The kids are home from school. You still have to go to work. Schedules are constantly changing. You have to mow the lawn. The fence needs repairs. Let’s not bring up the fact that you never finished spring cleaning.
When your summer stress begins, don’t get yourself all hot and bothered. Relax. Enjoy the sunshine. Consider aromatherapy. It’s a technique that combines the use of essential oils and the body’s sense of smell to help boost your mood, relieve stress, encourage better health, and healing. Oils from the mint, citrus, and floral families are perfect for summer stress relief.
Although the term was only coined in the 20th Century, aroma meaning fragrance and therapy meaning treatment, dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations. The Chinese, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, all used aromatic plants and their distilled oils for well being, cosmetics, and beauty.
But is it really that simple? How does it work? Can you actually smell away your stress? The human body is so incredible. Scientists believe that people can actually recognize and remember well over 5 thousand different scents. When you inhale the scent of an essential oil, the aroma stimulates the brain and triggers a reaction. At the same time, the naturally occurring chemicals you breathe into your lungs can supply therapeutic benefits to the body.
So you’re at the grocery store grabbing those last minute items for the family picnic. You stand there waiting in line, frustrated. You have options. You could burn with emotion. Drop everything and leave it at the counter. Or you could reach into your bag, take a whiff of the tissue that you added a few drops of your favourite essential oil to that morning, and smile. If you choose the last option, people may look at you funny, but who cares about that when you’re being swept away by the scents of essential oil paradise. Do the right thing. Be a trend setter. The rest of the world will catch up with you later.
Please note: Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids. If you do not use them correctly, stress will be the least of your problems. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have other health conditions, there are certain oils that you should avoid. Never ever use essential oils in their undiluted form directly on your skin. Take some time to learn more about the safe way to use essential oils at
Rochelle Hanson is a freelance writer and natural health enthusiast, offering tips and practical ideas on natural health and wellness. Check out her website or email [email protected].
It’s early evening and you’re ready to settle in for a night of Grey’s Anatomy. There’s nothing left to do but dig into the freezer and find a rock-hard, sodium-filled frozen entree to call dinner, right? Wrong. Stop the insanity! Cut through the mushy mashed potatoes and dried-out peas and create a healthy upgrade to the traditional TV dinner.
Add colour to your meal
Instead of sticking with a typical meat ‘n’ potatoes meal, taste the rainbow and dive into fresh leafy greens, rapturous red fruits and earthy brown mushrooms, veggies and rice.
“Many foods that are white in colour have been processed and stripped of natural vitamins and fibre,” says nutritionist Dr. Kayla Brager. “Additionally, diets containing red peppers, whole grains, brown rice, etc., may help to lower the risk of sickness and gastrointestinal cancers.”
Think lean
Cut out the Salisbury hambur — uh, “steak” and other high-fat meat options that clog arteries and settle in the stomach. “Many of the meats in frozen dinners are packed with sodium and chemical preservatives, including BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene). Fresh options include fish, chicken and lean cuts of pork and beef,” says Dr. Brager. “A George Foreman grill is almost as fast as the microwave. A fresh, lean meat option will be better tasting and better for you.”
Say yes to dessert
That little square brownie in the corner of your TV dinner has more sugar and calories than you can imagine. Say yes to a sweet and nutritious alternative that you can whip together in seconds.
“Blending together a smoothie or dishing out some low-fat frozen yogurt is a satisfying healthy option that you can have anywhere,” says Dr. Brager. “Anytime you can substitute for high-calorie, chemically heavy dessert portions with fresh, low-fat alternatives, you’re on the path to health and the sweet taste of success.”