Articles tagged with: Toronto
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At 18 years old, Achampong and a few friends were involved in a robbery attempt that ultimately saw him going to prison for a year. When the judge asked him about his goals and ambitions, he replied that he wanted to pursue a career as a lawyer. Remarkably, in a story that’s not too common, 13 years later he achieved that aim and was challenging the city’s mayoralty post.
People & Community »

The Black Daddies Club (BDC) was founded in 2007 by Brandon Hay in response to the lack of forums and spaces for Black men to discuss parenting issues as well as the issues facing the Black Community as a whole.
Each week, Black Daddies Club members will contribute an article detailing their own personal experiences with fatherhood.
Week 1 – Freelance writer Colwyn Burchall, Jr.
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A&E, Music, People & Community »

“By the time I got to the end of high school, I realized that I had this very strong foundation in classical music – the classical masters Bach, Beethoven, Mozart from a musical, piano and organ standpoint. But at the same time, all of those years I’d been getting another education through my mother’s record collection. I was hearing the best of R&B, funk, soul and jazz, reggae and calypso.”
Education, Lifestyle, People & Community »

With its $2 billion budget, the TDSB has the distinction of being the largest board in Canada and the fourth largest in North America. Its size and diversity are among the reasons why it tapped Spence, a former athlete, educator and director of education at Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, for this leadership position. Board trustees agree overwhelmingly that Dr. Spence is the right man for the job based on his stellar track record in education and his vitality as an organizer.