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That’s the number one reason to open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), though not the only one. But having said that, even though the government matches 20 per cent of your annual contribution up to a limit of $500 per child per year, it doesn’t mean that everyone should open an RESP. If your household finances are in poor shape, you don’t have enough retirement savings of your own or you think your child will get more out of it by paying the freight, keep the money in your pocket.
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When creating a financial/investment portfolio, you need to ensure that there are multiple investment buckets available. This is because each bucket has its advantage and disadvantages. Read on to ensure you are increasing each bucket’s advantages and not allowing their disadvantages to erode your capital.
Money & Careers, Personal finance »

Generational wealth is defined as passing and building a financial legacy that your future generations can reap the rewards. We all work hard to become financially free in our lifetime, but what about our future generations? Do we want them to have to battle with their finances we did or are we also planning on leaving financial legacies that will give them greater opportunities than you had?