Articles tagged with: Fitness
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Born in Hollywood, Jenkins grew up in Oshawa, Ontario and earned her degree in human kinetics from the University of Ottawa. Then the dual citizen made her way back to Tinseltown. “I knew that I had to pick a city where people had a lucrative income, where they could afford this type of service,” she says of her move.
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Health & Fitness, Lifestyle »

A touch of sexy to stay fit
Poles and mats and mirrors! Oh, my! When it comes to meeting your sexy side, Aradia Fitness, a women’s fitness studio, offering pole and lap dance, sexy exercise and striptease classes, is ready to make a steamy introduction. The company will even throw in a chair. That’s because Chair Fit, an Aradia class that incorporates the use of a chair to target abs, glutes and thighs, is increasing in popularity.
“Advanced polester” and Aradia enthusiast Ronna Laine-Flowers says Chair Fit takes classic exercises and adds …