Home » Events - 18 Nov 11

Events - 18 Nov 11

  • 18 Nov 2011 - 00:00
    d'bi.young anitafrika’s The Sanfoka Trilogy
    Tarragon Theatre 30 BRIDGMAN AVENUE Toronto, ON

    Tarragon Theatre is proud to present the premiere of the complete sankofa trilogy, written and performed by d’bi.young anitafrika, an award-winning afrikan-jamaican-canadian playwright and actor.  the sankofa trilogy features word!sound!powah! in repertory with blood.claat and benu in Tarragon’s Extra Spaceword!sound!powah!

    opens November 4 and runs to December 4, 2011. Tickets range from $20-45 (inclusive of HST) and are available by calling the box office at 416-531-1827 or by visiting www.tarragontheatre.com

    the sankofa trilogy features three extraordinary stories of three powerful women—mugdu sankofa, her daughter sekesu and her granddaughter benu—and their resolute belief in blood and truth. At the heart of this trilogy—and much of d’bi.young’s work—are the spirit of sankofa (“return and get it”), and the mythical sankofa bird of the Ashanti, with its head turned backwards, holding an egg (the future) in its beak.

  • 18 Nov 2011 - 20:00
    The Canadian Show Stoppers Show and Dance
    Jamaican Canadian Association 995 Arrow Road Toronto ON

  • 18 Nov 2011 - 20:00
    THE LAST POETS: Made In Amerikkka - A Film By Claude Santiago
    Toronto Underground Cinema 186 Spadina Ave Toronto

    Undercurrents presents THE LAST POETS: Made In Amerikkka – A Film By Claude Santiago

    This is sure to be another entertaining and thought-provoking film so we hope to see you there. As an added bonus we have two of Toronto best and brightest hip hop artists opening the night with a brief performance starting at 8:45PM. First on deck is Spek Won representing 88 Days and Stolen From Africa followed by Ian Kamau who’s new album One Day Soon is available now! This event is brought to you in part by the Nujazz Festival nujazz.ca.

    DOORS: 8PM

    SHOWTIME: 8:45PM

    ADMISSION: $10

    FACEBOOK INVITE: http://on.fb.me/rERnt5



    • toronto: what to do, what to do? | yoyomama said:

      [...] JerkFest 2010 Saturday, August 7th – Sunday, August 8th, Centennial Park, 256 Centennial Park Road, Etobicoke A celebration of delicious jerk cuisine, there’s also music, entertainment, and other fun activities for the whole family to enjoy: http://www.jerkfest.ca [...]

    • Melanie said:

      Tickets are $20 (advance) & $25 (door).

      They can be purchased online at http://www.triple7movement.com/I-dentity.html or at http://www.harbourfrontcentre.com and also through the Harbourfront Centre Box Office (235 Queen’s Quay West) or by calling 416-973-4000.

      Visit http://www.triple7movement.com for more info!

      It’s going to be a great event!

    • reallybigparty said:

      According to Share Newspaper, Toronto can’t seem to get enough of Devon Haughton’s MI GET MI LANDED.

      Which is why Lolita Entertainment is bringing this hilarious and thought-provoking Jamaican comedy back to the Rozz Entertainment Complex October 16, 2010 and to Sir John A MacDonald Secondary School October 17,2010.

      With a stellar class that includes Terri Salmon, Oraldeen Brown, David Smith, John Phillips, Sharon Campbell and Damian Brown, Mi Get Mi Landed has received tremendous praise and respect from patrons, journalists, investors and movie makers alike. Visit http://www.lolitaevents.com to get advance tickets.

    • Tweets that mention Learn more about the KAMOCEAN.com Launch and Concert on Nov 6 at Pacha Lounge via -- Topsy.com said:

      [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ford Publicity, Hype Records, chae cee, Factory Bois, JamaicaDay and others. JamaicaDay said: Learn more about the KAMOCEAN.com Launch and Concert on Nov 6 at Pacha Lounge via @swaymag http://bit.ly/cMqoWj [...]

    • Ryan said:

      This Show has been off the Chains. If you haven’t seen it yet then check it out. And the dinner menu of scrumptious too…so come fill you souls and your tummies too..

    • Shop and Send Toys to Haiti for Christmas | Sway Magazine said:

      [...] The Networking Diva has put together A Christmas Shopping Spree taking place November 20th at CG’s Hideaway from 2pm to 9pm.  The day will include great shopping, as well as limbo dancers, a fashion show [...]

    • johnny smash said:

      Love it , Love it ! Wish I could say more but the food too good to talk. They seeing is believing come see for yourself.

    • Asania said:


      (this is an upscale affair / 25 and older event)
      To launch African-descendant history month (Feb.), to introduce our organization to the community, to raise funds
      JCA (Jamaican Canadian Association) 995 Arrow Rd. (Arrow Rd. and the 400) / Event will be held in the Member Lounge (room at back of the building)

      Saturday, January, 29th, 2011 / Time: 8pm (SHARP) to 1am
      While there:
      Enjoy; Live musical performance by “the fabulous and talented” MelRose (http://www.myspace.com/melroseonline / http://www.facebook.com/#!/melroseonline?v=info)

      a Jamaican play (skit)

      …..great Caribbean food, and ole school “conscious” reggae, R&B, slow jams, and a few African songs to finish off the night (so lots of fun and dancing involved!)
      *meals, additional beverages and alcoholic beverages not included in ticket price (may be purchased at event)
      Regular ticket price is: $20 in advance /$25 at the door….VIP tickets: (includes: line-bypass/sit at VIP reserved table/champagne service/limited number of VIP tickets) VIP ticket price is: $40 in advanced / $45 at the door
      Tekno Printing, 2622 Eglinton Ave. W.
      (416) 658 – 1833
      JCA (Jamaican Canadian Association) 995 Arrow Rd.
      (416) 746 – 5772
      Call: 416.781.8301


      Semi-formal attire only (men must wear a suite or African Garb, but no tie or bow tie please/Ladies may wear African Garb as well)

    • Junior said:

      TODAY ONLY (SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th, 2011, 6PM to 1AM)

      …delicious Caribbean food only $7.00…..

      WHERE: TROPICAL GROOVE RESTAURANT / 5780 Sheppard Ave East, (one light east of Markham Rd.)

      PHONE: 289.200.6559 / 289.892.2651

    • Royal Fam said:







      Show Time: 11:00 Sharp
      After Party: 1PM

      DJ’s: Ryder & DJ Quincy

    • Barrie Caribfest said:

      Barrie Caribfest

      Annual Caribbean CRUISE

      Featuring Curtis B

      Caribbean Snack Served

      Aboard the Serendipity Princess
      Kempenfelt Bay, Barrie

      Sat. July 9, 2011

      Boarding at 8:30 PM Sailing at 9:00 PM

      Non Stop Dancing to the Hottest Zouk, Salsa, Kompa, Reggae, Soca, and Dance Hall

      Music by Fresh Cut De Mayor

      Featuring Curtis B

      First thirty tickets $20 Each (Online at http://www.caribfest.ca)
      Advance Groups of six $20 each
      Advance Single Tickets $25
      Door $30

      For Info: Tel: 705-790-4878
      Email: info@caribfest.ca

    • Arlice Clarke said:

      Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Toronto is an exciting three-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts.

      Learn more about the carnival at http://www.torontocaribbeancarnival.com. Join the Facebook group at http://facebook.caribbeanmovement.com.

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